November 27, 2009


Ben and I started off our Thanksgiving running the Long Beach 5k Turkey Trot! I loved it!
The last 5k I ran was a year ago and I didn't prepare at all! (not a good idea)
After the run, my muscles froze up and I wasn't able to move or walk for a long time.

This time around, I decided to train and prepare.
Brilliant, I know.
I was running about 2.5 miles a couple of times a week but 2 weeks before the run I got a horrible cold and wasn't able to run because I couldn't breath.
And then I went to Utah for a week and didn't run at all there either.
Needless to say I was slightly worried about the Turkey Trot and didn't want to have the same results as I had before.
Surprisingly, it went really well!! We both ran most of it, and I think I ran it faster than the last! I'm feeling great and we had a fun time, and a great photographer to document!

Grateful for health and support.

Grateful for where we live.
We ran along the Long Beach boardwalk.

We spent out Thanksgiving with my Auntie Carolyn at Kate and Gabe's. Kate and my mom have been friends since high school!
It has been so enjoyable to get to know these people as an adult.

Grateful for family, friendship and music.
Carolyn and Kate sight reading a duet.

Grateful for celebration.

Thanksgiving day also happened to be on Sara's 25th Birthday!
I know it's out of focus, but I still love it.
My mom told me today that Kate told her she was pregnant with Sara when my mom was in labor with me at the hospital.

Grateful for companionship.
(These are the flowers he gave me when I got home from Utah)

Carolyn let me barrow 2 of her lenses AND a tripod.
So I've spend my Black Friday experimenting! :)

Grateful for girly, pretty things.
These are a few of my favorite things.

Grateful for over 2 wonderful years with him.

Grateful for exploring new ideas.

Grateful for all good things.

I'm going to attempt to make Thanksgiving dinner for me and Ben this weekend. I will document.

November 24, 2009

top t.e.n. list

Things you may not have known about me:

1. I'm a blog stocker (this includes facebook stocking, of course)
2. I'm one of those "creative" girls who will start a project and not finish it because I get bored or frustrated. I thought it would be so fun and turn out great when I started!
3. I don't shower as often as I used to.
4. Ben and I are recent Pescetarianis.
and I'm really enjoying it!
5. I'm indecisive.
6. I enjoy spending my alone evenings looking at photography sites.
7. I'm a closet feminist.
meaning that feminine rights are important to me, but I don't protest them...
8. I a metaphysicalian
I made that up. But you know, like a Christian...I'm a Believerian.
9. I want to travel the world.
(doesn't everyone though?)
10. My body reacts funny to drugs.
I once couldn't open my left eye for over 24 hours after getting my wisdom teeth out.
Another time while flying from France to Utah, I was given a "pill" and couldn't move my arms and would yell out "I can't move my arms". My mom would quietly shush me and smile at the gaukers...

November 10, 2009


I don't think a lot of people read this - so we'll see!

But it's been decided!! We are getting married on 8.8.2010!
We were planning on getting married in August because of Ben's internships this summer and not knowing where he will be and when I saw that the 8th was on a Sunday, it just seemed perfect!

I love the Angel Numbers book. It gives the angelic meaning of numbers.
The number 8 signifies abundance and prosperity. The endless loop in this number signify an infinite flow of money, time, ideas, relationships, or whatever else you require (especially for your life purpose.)

This is a very auspicious and favorable sign about your finances. Your actions, prayers, visualizations, and manifestation work have resulted in a large inflow of abundance. Open your arms and receive!

The Numerology meaning of 8.
You are inspiring, result-oriented, powerful, ambitious, visionary, generous, perseverant, forgiving, broad-minded, money-conscious and self-disciplined.

You have the potential for enormous success and the possibility to accumulate great wealth. You are also a good judge of character a natural leader and a survivor.

8 is the number of the perfection, the infinity.

In China, the 8 expresses the totality of the universe.

I could go on but I won't.

We are going to have it here:

In one of these:

Celebrate at something like this:

And all with him: