November 21, 2010

I think I just had a mild heart attack...

So. There I am. Sitting HERE, at my desk. not doing my homework, home alone, browsing the internet, looking at blogs, surfing facebook, then clicking on my speech outline for Tuesday's group speech...back to facebook...


There was this LOUD noise outside my apartment. It sounded like a mixture between someone running/stomping right outside my apartment and someone banging along the entire outside wall of our apartment. and it was LONG. not like "oh someone just fell and tripped" but like a LONG run/stomp. like 7 seconds long. like there was an emergency, or someone was really trying to make my heart jump out of my throat. I felt personally attacked.

Was there an emergency? Were cops banging on someone's door? GEEZ!

So I run over to my door. As I'm looking out the peep hole, and slowly locking the door (because I didn't want THEM to hear me locking it). There is nothing. No doors open, no people, no movement. NOTHING. Then there is a loud noise again. Now I'm thinking there is a bad guy, against the wall where I can't see him, and he's going to jump out at me... the me behind the peep hole. But still no movement.

When I remembered to start breathing again, I sllowwllyy opened the door... look outside... and there is a CAT looking at me from the roof! It must have had a jumping fest over my head which caused me to nearly soil myself.

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