October 30, 2010

bullet points

Instead of recapping the last 3 months of our lives, I'll just give what is on my mind now.

  • Loving today. Loving San Diego's fall (slightly missing Utah's colors though). Fall is like a beautiful Summer's day.
  • He's doing great in school. Sometimes he forgets how he's a genius, but I just remind him.
  • I swept and mopped today. There was a lot of dirt - but I swear I did it last week!
  • I'm wearing fake eyelashes in honor of the holiday and I'm LOVING it. Wish I could pull this off every day of the year.
  • I dragged myself to the gym and did a kiss ass workout - then came home and ate left over pizza. Uhh I've lost my motivation and it BUGS me!
  • I "quit" the one job and have felt such relief from it!
  • Woman's Studies class is rocking my world and I'm a moderate feminist.
  • I've been having seriously vivid dreams lately. Like that I had to hide my mom from the cops and that one of the walls in my house was taken over by ants. Wonder what that means?
  • I'm addicted to facebook. Mostly when people comment on my posts. I know I'm funny and clever, and I love when other people think so too.
  • I bought new boots on ebay for "winter" cause my feet were cold during the intense SD rains... and I just found a pair of boots I forgot I had. My feet didn't need to be cold all that time.
  • My hair looks like candy corn and I don't love it. But I try not to think about it.
  • I wish I had more friends in SD. Girlfriends I could just call up and go have brunch with and chat. hmpf
  • Because of previous bullet point, I booked a trip to Portland to be with my girls. I can hardly wait. All we're going to do is have brunch, sit in coffee shops and chat.
  • This hunky man I'm married to took me to have margs last night. Who knew El Torito (of all places) had a live band?? I was able to dance with my man, and he was able to watch the Laker game. It was a win/win situation and one of the funnest dates we've had. Love spur of the moment stuff that ends up amazing!
  • I love that I get to create everything in my life. I've created some pretty awesome stuff! I'll save that for a later post.

0 blurbs: