June 26, 2012

Dear Summer,

I didn't think I'd ever feel the way.
I'm ready for you to be over.

I'm ready to have my husband back.
I'm ready for summer classes to be over.
I'm ready for a vacation.
A real vacation.
A vacation with my husband.
I'm ready for my normal life and regular routine to be back.
Which includes my husband.

I kind of miss him, a lot.
Having him in Baltimore is harder than I thought.
I don't cry as much as I did in the beginning.
But I still do sometimes.

Thank you for his free bike.
It makes me laugh that the chain keeps falling off,
and that it's too small.
But it's all part of the adventure.
Thank you for the kind people who take him to the grocery store.

Summer, please keep my Baltimore Boy safe.
I love him, a lot a lot.


2 blurbs:

Ryan & Amanda said...

It really is super lame being apart! We haven't ever done a whole summer, but we have done several "month at a times" and even those are not cool. I will say that it has strengthened our relationship, but that really isn't any comfort when you are in the middle of it. :( Sorry you guys are apart, I hope it will go by quickly!

michael morrow said...

keep heart-felt writing honey...your words touch many hearts in ways remembered