I figured that I should make a Christmas post before I create a New Years post...Ya know, just to keep things "in order". My fam came down from Utah and spent a week with us for Christmas. It was so fun and relaxed. Of course we are a hoot together!
For some reason Ben thought they said "smile like your 5 years old".
We all went up to our friend Michele's house who lives in Escondido (30 minutes North and East from us). We had an AWESOME dinner (Jay made fish just for us!) and sat around the camp fire singing, Ben doing his funny impersonations (he was the star of the show!) and enjoying each others company.
Of course we didn't get any photos of us alll together... Bah!
So here are some of us in a couple of pictures...
The smoke made a cool effect on their skin.
Sadee loved playing with mom. Mostly because no one else will talk to her in doggy voice.
He's so sweet.
Too bad my super cute flower wasn't on the other side so you could see it.
John is such a stud. He's soo fun to hang out with.
He is growing out his goatee in honor of his friend who died. He's so cute!
K just sent me this photo from her phone. So one photo of MOST of us all together... This is in Ocean Beach by the OB Christmas Tree. All the locals kept told us that someone donates a tree every year and this one is the ugliest they have had.. haha
We took them up to La Jolla which is one of the most beautiful parts of San Diego. We are standing on caves that drop into the ocean and in the summer (when the waves aren't so violet) you can swim through them and go on kyak tour. Wayy cool! We are getting married just around the corner from here. It is absolutely beautiful!

We all went up to our friend Michele's house who lives in Escondido (30 minutes North and East from us). We had an AWESOME dinner (Jay made fish just for us!) and sat around the camp fire singing, Ben doing his funny impersonations (he was the star of the show!) and enjoying each others company.
Of course we didn't get any photos of us alll together... Bah!
So here are some of us in a couple of pictures...

Too bad my super cute flower wasn't on the other side so you could see it.

He is growing out his goatee in honor of his friend who died. He's so cute!

We headed up to Long Beach for the Christmas part of the trip. My Auntie Carolyn lives up there so we spent a lovely 4 day weekend up with her. She is the one who is teaching me all I know about photography (which isn't much) but she's the Master Sensai.

There are more photos but I haven't edited them and don't really feel like it. Buttt...we learned that Jim Morrison lived in an elavator shaft in an apartment right on the Venice boardwalk for 2 months without anyone knowing he was there and wrote most of the Doors' most popular songs. He later moved out into an apartment across the street. That apartment is now called the Morrison Apartments. And there are painted murals of him all around Venice (we only saw one...) Maybe I'll edit those sometime and get them up... if anyone's interested.
1 blurbs:
That's a super cute picture of all of you at the bottom of the post! And I love..LOVE that picture of ben, the dark shadowy one. Its very much the tall dark and handsome look! ;D
Looks like you had a nice WARM Christmas too. /jealous
We were in Boston with Jared's mom and it was flippin' freezing!
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